
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Head Shaving - How To Get The Best Results

Head shaving has become very popular! For many it is a fashion statement. Then again, in cases of male pattern baldness, some men choose to shave their heads completely rather than have the typical horseshoe pattern of head hair.

Whatever the reason behind the move to a shaven or closely shaven head, the following information will help make the transition easier and minimize the discomfort.

Head Shaving Tips:

  • When head shaving using an electrical hair trimmer, use olive oil rather than machine oil for lubrication. Then if the oil comes in contact with the skin, olive oil will be much better for the scalp, especially if there are nicks during head shaving.
  • Disposable razors are not very suitable for head shaving. They wear out too quickly.
  • For great head shaving results, Invest in a good hand razor from a reputable company such as Wilkinson Sword or Gillette and make sure you always shave with a sharp blade.
  • When starting with a full head of hair, trim it off first using an electric razor before using a hand razor. Start with the sides or the back and clip close to the scalp.
  • To reduce the risk of cuts and razor burn when head shaving it is essential for the hair and the scalp to be thoroughly moist so that the hair follicles and skin are soft before shaving.
  • Head shaving in the shower at the end of a showering session can make it easier. By then the hair and scalp have been wet for many minutes. Less shaving cream is also required. Apply the shaving cream to small areas at a time so that it doesn't melt away too quickly.
  • For head shaving outside the shower, splash the hair and scalp with water over a sink or wrap a hot wet towel around the head for a couple of minutes. Then apply a thick layer of shaving cream, about a half an inch thick, to the entire head. Leave for five minutes before starting to shave.
  • When head shaving, avoid repeat strokes over the same area to minimize the risk of nicks and razor burn.
  • If the hair growth is at the stubble stage, long strokes covering several inches may be possible.
  • If the hair is longer, or if it has just been trimmed with electric clippers, make very small strokes no more than about half an inch.
  • Start head shaving where the hair is thickest so the blade is at it's best for the tougher areas. Finish off at the lighter areas.
  • When you start head shaving, wet the razor with hot water and make a stroke about an inch long wherever you decide to start. Subsequent strokes can then be made from this starting point at the best angle for cutting close to the scalp and at the base of the hair.
  • Some prefer to use a mirror initially until they gain experience with head shaving. After some time however, many find it more awkward with one than without one. Shaving by touch comes with experience.
  • After head shaving, run the fingers over the scalp so that missed areas are easily identified. Then carefully go over the area again. Be careful not to do this more than once or twice to avoid nicks or razor burn.
  • Rinse the head and dry off.
  • To really speed up the healing process after head shaving for nicks, apply vitamin E oil to the scalp.
  • Pure aloe vera gel is very good for soothing distressed skin from head shaving. It will also add a high shine to the scalp.
  • Be sure to allow sufficient time for head shaving. Rushing may result in numerous nicks and cuts especially when shaving this part of the body.

Be prepared initially for a new, strange sensation when head shaving. The scalp will be very sensitive and a rush of cool air such as a breeze outside can be quite an experience!

Checkout this page on Mike's hair removal web site for great resources for head shaving:


For ingrown hair and body hair removal click here:


Another resource, a free laser hair removal research library:


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