
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Hollywood Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa is probably more common in today's 'media' focused era more than it ever has been before. Anorexia Nervosa is a very complex eating disorder/disease that involves both psychological and sociological components which result in the voluntary starvation and exercise stress by an individual.

Anorexia Nervosa: "A psychophysiological disorder usually occurring in young women that is characterized by an abnormal fear of becoming obese, a distorted self-image, a persistent unwillingness to eat, and severe weight loss. It is often accompanied by self-induced vomiting, excessive exercise, malnutrition, amenorrhea, and other physiological changes."

Our daily definition of this condition often overlooks the actual psychological part of the condition which is often times the greatest factor. Medical professionals are still not able to completely characterize the causes of anorexia, and as such are the subject of debate in several instances. Generally we have been able to agree that it is both physiological and psychological.

If we look around at the media and the pressure that is placed on women to conform to a certain image, it's easy to understand why anorexia is a growing problem in our society. Paula Abdul, Courtney Cox, Elton John, Calista Flockhart, Marie Osmond, Elvis Presley and Mary-Kate Olsen are a few on the growing list of celebrities themselves that have suffered at one point from an eating disorder. Self Confidence is a crucial element in developing this aspect, and as individuals is something that we should always strive for, before trying to be "peer-confident."

Feel free to reprint this article as long as you keep the article, this caption and author biography in tact with all hyperlinks.

Ryan Fyfe is the owner and operator of Anorexia Area - http://www.anorexia-area.com, which is the best site on the internet for all anorexia related information.

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Medical Practice Insurance Quote - Where To Find One

You can't practice medicine unless you have insurance, which is why it becomes important to get a medical practice insurance quote before you go into business. The same is true of all allopathic practitioners, naturopaths and alternative healers as well.

If you are the usual kind of medical health practitioner the insurance companies may have been breaking down your door and filling your email box with spam to offer you a medical practice insurance quote before you even graduated. In fact most medical professionals have already acquired some kind of medical insurance before they graduate or at the very least have an idea of whom they are going to sign up with.

If for some reason you have miraculously escaped being on the mailing lists that medical universities sell to insurance companies so you can be marketed a medical practice insurance quote there are plenty of places online to get one. Some of these organizations online are brokers that will allow you to contrast and compare different quotes from different companies or you can go directly to an insurance provider, type in the perimeters that identify your needs and ask for a quote by email. However if dealing with an insurance provider directly it is probably a good idea to get on the telephone and speak to a representative from the insurance company directly. After all it is your medical practice that we are talking about here and something as important as that deserves the personal touch from an insurance company.

If you are looking for opinions about what is the best insurance it is probably a good idea to skip all the articles you find on the internet which often are biased to selling one form of insurance or another and go straight to blogs written by doctors. There are thousands of these blogs on the Internet and the opinions of other doctors will probably point you in the right direction towards the type of insurance you are looking for.

Tiffany Walker can help you find the quote for the financial services you need. Click here for more: Medical Practice Insurance Quote.

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